Surfin’ USA

December 2, 2022

1. Elect a Conservative Speaker - Ban Democratic Chairs

2. AdamHinojosa still needs your help

3. Corpus Christi Runoffs

4. CBRC's  Christmas Party

5. Mark Your Calendar

Elect a Conservative Speaker

Ban Democratic Chairs

As a reminder here is an excerpt2 very Importnt dates are coming up:

  • Saturday 12/3 Republican Caucus votes by secret ballot on Speaker
  • Monday 12/6 House Admin hearing on Rules with invited testimony only

Tony Tinderholt is the Grassroots Candidate

Last Session would have been a disastwr if it hadn't been for the relentless work of Grassroots activists who called tirelessly their Representatives, the Governor, the Committee Chairs, and the Spraker.

It should not be that hard, when we have a Republican Majority to get our Bills passed.

Tomorrow is a key date to achieve a more successful 88th Legislature. Tell your Representative to support Tony Tinderholt for Speaker!!

It’s time to end the era of shared House leadership in Texas.

In Congress, and in virtually every other state, the party that wins a majority of the legislative house controls the chamber.

But not in Texas. In fact, during the last session,14 of 34 House committees (41%) were chaired by Democrats.

How does a voter in Texas elect a legislature controlled solely by Republicans? The simple answer should be, as it is in other states, to elect a Republican majority. Unfortunately, in Texas right now, they can’t.

As the eyes of the nation fix on Texas House Democrats who have fled the state to prevent a vote on election integrity legislation, many of those same Democrats preening daily as underdog civil rights protestors before the CNN cameras actually have powerful leadership positions in a legislature under Republican control.

This is surprising to many non-Texans. In Congress, and in virtually every other state, the party that wins a majority of the legislative house controls the chamber. In New York, Democrats hold the leadership posts, control the committee chairs, and set the legislative policy agenda. In Republican Missouri, Republican legislators, elected by Republicans to set a Republican course, control the legislature and its leadership positions.

Texas is the largest Republican-controlled state in the nation. Texans haven’t backed the Democratic candidate for president since 1976. Democrats haven’t won the Governor’s Mansion since 1990. They haven’t held a chamber of the Legislature since 2003. Yet Republicans, despite having near supermajorities at times over the past decade, have continued to embrace a legislative tradition whereby the majority party voluntarily shares legislative control with the minority party. This is a vestige of a bygone era that not yet been retired in Texas, despite the near extinction of the conservative southern Democrat.

Overall, 14 of 34 House committees are chaired by Democrats, including the powerful House Committee on Public Education. With few exceptions, these chairs are not conservative “Blue Dog Democrats” who share our values, but not our party label. In fact, they are extremists more along the line of Nancy Pelosi than the late Zell Miller.

For example, Democrat Joe Moody of El Paso, Republican Speaker Dade Phelan’s choice for Speaker Pro Tempore, the second-ranking House leadership position, accused Governor Abbott of promoting racial violence against Latinos, labeled his Republican colleges racist for supporting a sanctuary city ban, and called President Donald Trump, Senator Ted Cruz, and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton “hate-monger[s]” who are “directly responsible” for the El Paso shooting that killed 23 people. 

Democrat Chris Turner of Arlington, chair of the Committee on Business & Industry, called for the impeachment of Attorney General Paxton for filing a lawsuit questioning the results of the 2020 election.

This has to stop!!!

As a reminder, here is an exerpt of a Resolution passed September 30, 2022 by the Republican Party's SREC:

WHEREAS, the delegates to the 2022 Republican Party of Texas State Convention overwhelmingly passed eight legislative priorities, the fifth of which reads “to ensure all legislative priorities are given a fair opportunity to become law, the Republican-controlled Texas legislature shall adopt a rule that would end the practice of awarding committee chairmanships to Democrats”; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas hereby declares its support of the legislative priority regarding ending the practice of granting chairmanships of legislative committees to Democrat members of the Texas Legislature, beginning with the 88th Texas Legislature; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas shall send this resolution to the Governor of Texas, the Lieutenant Governor of Texas, each Republican State Representative, and the Speaker of the Texas House, requesting an acknowledgement of receipt, a positive declaration of support of this legislative priority, and an articulation of actions the elected official plans to take during the next session regarding this legislative priority.


Call your Representative, & leave a message if everyne is gone: 

#Tinderholt ForSpeaker


For Corpus Christi area, call Todd Hunter.

If you don't know who your Representative is or their phone number, click here.


Adam Hinojosa still needs your help for the Recount for the Rav for State Senator in SD27

Can we count on  you to send your most generous donation to Adam Hinojosa?

Please act now!! 

Corpus Christi City Council

District 1, 2, &3

RunOff Elections start tomorrow


Corpus Christi Needs Your Vote!

There is a City Council Runoff in Districts 1, 2 and 3. If you live in any of these 3 Districts,, we need YOU to get out and vote!

The generally low voter turn-outs in these districts means that a candidate will win by very few votes. Do not let your voice be silenced!

The choices we have made in these races are for reasonable and fiscally conservative candidates. Some of the alternative choices, are radical Marxist extremists who openly plan to destroy all the amazing potential our community has.  

The runoff election will be held Tuesday, Dec. 13.

Early voting will begin Saturday, Dec. 3 through Friday, Dec. 9.

It's a Party

      Christmas Season is finally here!

While we are still reeling and navigating between Runoffs and Recounts, we'd like to invite you to join us for CRBC's 3rd Annuaal Christmas Celebration.

All our Elected Officials are, of course invited. We'd like that opportunity to congratulate them for so many outstanding victories.

It will take place at our cozy and familiar Headquarters.

It will be a potluck where all can share their favorite dish.

Don't forget to:

- respond to the event,

- tell us how many guests will be with you,

- and what dish you will bring, if you will have one to share.

Please sign up at: https://cbrepublicans.com/event-5064138


 Nov 18 – Jan 4, 2023 - Christmas Break

 December 5 - 6pm - CRBC HQ - Weekly Movie Night - Anthony Fauci - The Movie (COVID))

• December 8 –  Christmas Party

 December 12 - 6pm - CRBC HQ - Weekly Movie Night -

 December 19 - 6pm - CRBC HQ - Weekly Movie Night -

• January 5 – Weekly Meeting restart– Jill Glover – The new Legislature is starting – Let’s get the best out of it!




Blessings in Liberty!

Suzanne Guggenheim

Coastal Bend Republican Coalition Chair

{Organization_Name} 14602 SPID - Suite 209 - Corpus Christi, TX 78418 

361-290-7068 info@cbrepublicans.com

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