Surfin’ USA - December 20, 2022

ACTION ALERTS: 1-2-3-4-5- GO!


Congress has passed a short-term spending bill that will expire on December 23rd, contrary to what conservatives were recommending. We suggested Congress pass a short-term spending bill that would last until March, so that the newly-elected Congress could make the spending decisions – not the people who lost their seats and are retiring. This would have also avoided any sort of Christmas showdown.


However, that’s what they want. They want to be able to threaten a “Christmas shutdown” unless their enormous, pork-filled, omnibus spending bill is passed. This omnibus bill would last all the way until the new fiscal year starts in October 2023, meaning the new members of Congress would have no say on America’s spending their first year in office.


We don’t have the votes to stop this in the House, but we have a chance to stop the omnibus in the Senate, but only if we apply pressure now.


A. Call your Senators today and demand they fund the government until March 2023, and no longer. Tell them –

  • They are depriving voters of our voice and our votes by denying new members the ability to have a say on spending
  • Americans of all political ideologies despise bills thousands of pages long that hide pay-offs and gifts to the friends of members – using our tax dollars – and we want this to stop
  • No omnibus spending bill in the lame duck!
  • They are depriving voters of our voice and our votes by denying new members the ability to have a say on spending
  • Americans of all political ideologies despise bills thousands of pages long that hide pay-offs and gifts to the friends of members – using our tax dollars – and we want this to stop
  • No omnibus spending bill in the lame duck!

Senator John Cornyn | 202-224-2934

Senator Ted Cruz | 202-224-5922



    B. Sign the Petition today asking Senators to oppose this new SPENDING SCAM

    Last Wednesday, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) appeared on FOX Business Network and criticized members of the GOP for "the lie that Republicans really are fiscally conservative. ... Not one of them up here gives a darn about the debt."

    Paul blasted his fellow lawmakers over the $1.7-BILLION spending bill that Congress is expected to vote on this week. "The omnibus will be 3,000 pages," he predicted. "We'll get it two hours before they want to pass it. No one will read it." The Kentucky Senator also added:

    "It would take 41 votes. Forty-one votes would stop the big spending. If 41, one of us said no and held our ground until there was a compromise, we could force Democrats to reduce spending. We have completely and totally abdicated the power of the purse. Republicans are emasculated. They have no power, and they are unwilling to gain that power back."

    Sign The National Petition Now!

    This national petition from Grassfire to "Stop The Spending Scam!" gives you the opportunity to make your voice heard on Capitol Hill. Demand real Republicans stop the radical, unhinged Left from driving America off a fiscal cliff into full-blown socialism. Urge GOP leaders to "Stop The Spending Scam!"


    IMPORTANT : Sign Heritage Action's Petition:

    See the source image

    Senators Tillis and Sinema have agreed to a so-called "immigration reform" framework that would grant amnesty to TWO MILLION illegal aliens.


    Granting amnesty would be a virtual free pass to millions who have not been fully processed & would only encourage millions more to rush to the border and join other so-called asylum seekers. That's the problem with open borders!


    We're asking grassroots conservatives like you to show your opposition to this disastrous policy by signing our Say NO to Amnesty Petition.


    Add your name now:


    Book your ticket and join the Coastal Bend Republican Coalition on a bus trip to Austin to lobby for a new Speaker of the House!

    We will be going back on Thursday January 12th to lobby for the new Rules: NO DEMOCRAT as Committee Chair!!! 

    NOTE: This will be fun, but it is not a purely social trip. This is an ADVOCACY trip.

    The Coastal Bend Republican Coalition is committed to a constitutional conservative Texas as envisioned by our founding fathers. We will accomplish this by educating and advocating for conservative values throughout the 88th Texas legislature.

    The Coastal Bend Republican Coalition is calling on grassroots activists all around Corpus Christi area to go and meet with key representatives to advocate for our shared goals and objectives. Meetings with legislators will be scheduled in advance and subject experts will lead each activist team.

    We encourage you to purchase in our store and wear the red "Ban Democrat Chairs" T-shirt that will be donned that day in the Capitol by hundreds of Grassroots activists. ($20 for any size)

    This bus round trip will be a one day down and back. We will leave Corpus Christi at 5:30 a.m. and return around 9:00 p.m. that same day. The cost is $100 and includes one passenger round trip ticket, water and snacks on the bus. Meals are not included.  

    If we are able to secure a cheaper bus we will pass on the savings to you.

    We need your voice in Austin! We hope you will purchase a bus ticket and join us. 

    Grab your ticket by registering here.

    For more information email


    A. Is it Really Necessary?

    Check out Townhall Article. It's an eye-opener, if you still needed one after the poor results at the November Election where we missed the Red Wave...

    Latest Spending Audit Reinforces Call for New Republican Leadership

    Matt Vespa

    Matt Vespa | December 16, 2022 6:25 AM

    AP Photo/Evan Vucci

    Our own Jennifer Van Laar had it first at RedState. After three lackluster election cycles, you’d think someone at the Republican National Committee would have the sense of accountability to step away. But this is politics, where none of that exists, so the Republicans will likely reelect the same folks who oversaw this disastrous 2022 midterm cycle because the gravy from this train is just too sweet. Yet, Van Laar did an audit of the RNC’s finances, and it was an unwelcome throwback to the days of former chairman Michael Steele when the committee was busted for blowing cash on strippers.  

    Like in 2010, the RNC spent like drunken sailors on worthless items, reinforcing the call for new blood in its leadership. It should also infuriate the legions of loyal Republicans who give monthly to the national committee. As we’ve known for a while, these funds aren’t helping the party; they’re being used for private jets, lavish dinners, and Broadway shows. The cost of these expeditions soars into the millions of dollars (via RedState): 

    Late last week, RedState was provided a report dated October 7, 2022 that examined RNC’s 2021-22 spending. It calculated more than $500,000 in private jet expenses, $64,000 at clothing retailers, and $321,000 in floral arrangements.

    To determine how that compared with the rest of Ronna McDaniel’s tenure, RedState examined RNC expenditures from 2017 through 2022. In addition to a review of Federal Elections Commission (FEC) data, RedState spoke with current vendors, state party officials familiar with the workings, former staffers (some from McDaniel’s tenure, and some who worked for prior chairs), and several current RNC members to verify numbers and dates. Most were only willing to discuss the matters on background, and all were promised anonymity to avoid potential retaliation. 

    It is difficult to accurately categorize all of the expenditures because a significant number of transactions seem to be misclassified. For example, nearly $5,000 spent in 2022 at Lululemon, a luxury athletic apparel brand, was classified as “office expense,” as were two expenditures totaling $9,300 at Madison Square Garden in 2017.

    Our review found that the amounts spent during the 2021-22 election cycle seem to have been par for the course and possibly even lower than previous portions of McDaniel’s tenure. According to FEC filings, since 2017, the RNC has spent:

    • $3.1 million on private jet services
    • $1.3 million on limousine/chauffeur services
    • $17.1 million on donor mementos
    • $750,000 on floral arrangements
    • $80,000 in alcohol-related expenditures

    Nearly $400,000 has been spent on event tickets and other entertainment activities, including $30,000 for a private box at a Las Vegas Raiders game, $13,000 for Broadway shows, $9,400 at Madison Square Garden, and $43,000 at Top Golf locations in Texas, Nevada, Virginia, and Maryland.

    According to a senior staffer, the private box Raiders game was part of a retreat for senior staff members. RNC funds were also used to fly the senior staffers and their plus-ones first-class to Las Vegas, and for their hotel rooms, food, and alcohol, the staffer says. 

    We don’t talk about it as often, though maybe we should—but the party apparatus and its campaign arms have been sub-par for years. The internal shenanigans and the questionable formulas regarding the distribution of the fundraising hauls are all glaring issues, no matter which party. Progressive Democrats have griped about how their national party structure screws their people out of proper representation in primaries. 

    Potomac syndrome can infect anyone. The next Republican operation that should be audited over how it operated in 2022 is the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

    B. We're Not Alone! Check out our Republican Party Executive Committee:


    Time for New Leadership at the Republican National Committee

    POSTED 12.13.2022 - by RPT Staff

    WHEREAS, Ronna McDaniel has chaired the Republican National Committee (RNC) since January 2017; and


    WHEREAS, the RNC is responsible for supporting and electing Republican candidates to federal office; and


    WHEREAS, under Chairman McDaniel’s leadership, the GOP lost both houses of Congress and the White House, and seriously underperformed in 2022, further losing ground in the Senate and only barely winning a majority in the House; and


    WHEREAS, the grassroots have lost faith in Chairman McDaniel and the RNC and believes the Party needs new leadership that will address deficiencies in fundraising, messaging, GOTV, and election integrity and put the party in closer alignment with its grassroots supporters and voters; and


    WHEREAS, a viable candidate who has the experience and vision to address the above problems has offered herself for RNC Chair; and


    WHEREAS, Texas has three voting members of the RNC – State Chairman Matt Rinaldi, National Committeeman Dr. Robin Armstrong, and National Committeewoman Toni Anne Dashiell – who are elected by grassroots state convention delegates and who are accountable to the grassroots; now


    THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas has no confidence in the leadership of Chairman McDaniel and believes she must be replaced as RNC Chair; and


    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas urges Chairman Matt Rinaldi, National Committeeman Dr. Robin Armstrong, and National Committeewoman Toni Anne Dashiell to pay heed to the grassroots’ profound dissatisfaction with the RNC and to vote for an alternative to replace Chairman McDaniel when the RNC meets in January to elect a Chair.

    C. Who is Running

    1. Ronna McDaniel - Current RNC Chair - Mitt Romney's niece
    2. Harmeet Dillon - Formerly Attorney for President Trump - Currently attorney for Kari Lake For Governor's Campaign
    3. Mike Lindell


    The committee’s 168 members will hold a vote to determine the RNC chairmanship at the committee’s annual winter meeting, which is set to be held in late January in Dana Point, Calif. 

    D. Contact our Texas Committee Man and Women at the RNC

    Robin Armstrong



    Send Email

    Toni Anne Dashiell



    Send Email



    Trump Announces Multistep Agenda to Protect Speech, Tackle Big Tech

    President Donald J. Trump Announces Plan to Restore Free Speech in America

    Dec 15, 2022, President Donald J. Trump announced his plan to restore free speech in America. In videotaped remarks, President Trump responds to the ongoing revelations of widespread censorship by outlining five steps to dismantle the censorship cartel. 


    President Donald J. Trump's Plan to Dismantle the Censorship Cartel and Restore Free Speech

    “The censorship cartel must be dismantled and destroyed... By restoring free speech, we will begin to reclaim our democracy, and save our nation.” - Donald J. Trump

    ACTION PLAN TO SAVE FREE SPEECH: President Trump announced his plan to shatter the online censorship regime starting on the first day of his new administration.

    • On Day One, sign an EO to ban federal agencies from colluding with any entity to censor or categorize the lawful speech of American citizens
    • Ban federal money from being used to label domestic speech as “mis-” or “disinformation”
    • Fire every federal bureaucrat who has engaged in domestic censorship activity
    • Immediately send preservation letters to Biden administration and Big Tech giants
    • Order the DOJ to investigate all parties involved in the online censorship regime and prosecute any and all crimes identified
    • Revise Section 230 to drastically curtail big platforms’ power to arbitrarily restrict lawful speech
    • Stop federal funding for all non-profits and academic programs that are part of the new censorship industry
    • Suspend federal research dollars and student loan support to any university that has engaged in censorship support activities, such as flagging content for removal and blacklisting, for at least 5 years
    • Enact clear criminal penalties for federal bureaucrats who partner with private entities to do an end-run around First Amendment and other Constitutional rights
    • Impose a 7-year cooling-off period before employees of the FBI, CIA, NSA, DNI, DHS, or DOD can work at tech platforms possessing vast quantities of U.S. user data
    • Pass a Digital Bill of Rights: force government to get a court order to request takedowns of online content, give users rights to know when their accounts are throttled or shadow-banned, a specific explanation of the reason, the right to a timely appeal, and for all users over 18, the right to opt-out of content moderation and curation and access an unmanipulated stream.

    BUSTING THE CENSORSHIP CARTEL: President Trump’s plan targets the collusion between Big Government, Big Tech, Big Media, and the Radical Left.

    • The plan follows recent bombshell reports confirming that federal bureaucrats, big tech giants, left-wing activists, and members of the corporate news media have been coordinating to censor Americans.
    • Recently released communications revealed that Twitter conducted election interference and illicit censorship in direct collusion with the Biden campaign, the FBI, and other government agencies.
    • Reports have also shown that the Department of Homeland Security partnered with left-wing nonprofits to censor 22 million social media posts ahead of the 2020 election.
    • A lawsuit filed by the Attorneys General of Louisiana and Missouri has alleged that Dr. Anthony Fauci colluded with tech platforms to suppress information related to COVID-19.


    Upcoming Events

    Courtesy of Natalie Olsson, Precinct 116 Chair for the Republican Party, 361-739-4602,  

    • 12/24/22 Saturday 10am-4pm Coastal Bend Republican Coalition Pop-Up Tent location varies, headed by Bea Gorley, call CBRH HQ 361-290-7068 (tel:361-290-7068) for location.

    • 12/25/22 Sunday, Coastal Bend Republican Coalition (CBRC): Merry Christmas.

    • 12/26/22 Monday 6pm Coastal Bend Republican Coalition (CBRC) CBRC HQ 14602 S Padre Island Drive, Ste 230, Corpus Christi. The Untouchables (The Fed - Finance - Corruption)

    • 12/27/22 Tuesday 6pm Coastal Bend Republican Coalition (CBRC) Bible Study with Michael Darr (recurring 2nd and 4th Tuesday) CBRC HQ 14602 S Padre Island Drive, Ste 230, Corpus Christi.

    • 12/28/22 Wednesday, 8:30-10:30 am Coffee and Conservative Conversation (recurring 2nd and 4th Wednesday), NCRP HQ for more information call NCRP HQ 361-452-5448 (tel:361-452-5448).

    • 1/1/23 Sunday Coastal Bend Republican Coalition (CBRC) HAPPY NEW YEAR!

    • 1/1/23 Sunday 2pm Connie Scott swearing in as the new County Judge at the Nueces County Courthouse, 901 Leopard St., Corpus Christi.

    • 1/2/23 Monday 10am David Klein swearing in as the new Judge of the 148th District Court at the Nueces County Courthouse, 901 Leopard St., Corpus Christi.

    • 1/2/23 Monday 6pm Coastal Bend Republican Coalition (CBRC) CBRC HQ 14602 S Padre Island Drive, Ste 230, Corpus Christi. This week’s movies: January 6 - Capitol Punishment.

    • 1/5/23 Thursday, 6pm Coastal Bend Republican Women, (recurring 1st Thursday), Texas Mesquite BBQ & Grill 11862 TX-361, all are welcome. Guest speaker will be Jill Glover, Chair for Republican Party of Texas SREC Legislatives Priorities Committee. For more information call 361-290-7068 (tel:361-290-7068).

    • 1/8/23 Sunday 10am Coastal Bend Republican Coalition (CBRC) Bible Study with Pastor Mike (recurring 2nd and 4th Sunday) CBRC HQ 14602 S Padre Island Drive, Ste 230, Corpus Christi.

    • 1/9/23 Monday, 11:30am South Texas Alliance of Republicans (STAR) (recurring 1st Monday) Joe’s Crab Shack., 5025 S. Padre Island Dr., Corpus Christi, guest speakers Colby Wiltse, District Director with County Citizens Defending Freedom (CCDF) and Victoria Holland, Local Director for CCDF for more information, call Jeanne Whittington 361-336-8422 (tel:361-336-8422) or Teri Sexton 361-438-8504 (tel:361-438-8504) or Facebook. Reservations required. STAR is expanding into Aransas and San Patricio counties in January with a Rockport chapter and evening meeting.

    • 1/9/23 Monday, 11:30 am Nueces County Republican Women, (recurring 2nd Monday), Ara’s Seafood and Steaks, 6917 S. Staples, Corpus Christi, for more information call NCRP HQ 361-452-5448 (tel:361-452-5448). Speaker Carrie Moore will teach how to find, track and support a bill in the Texas State Legislature; for more information (

    • 1/9/23 Monday, 6pm Election Integrity Project, (nonpartisan, recurring Mondays) Silverado Smokehouse, 4522 Weber Rd, Corpus Christi, for more information call Shawn Flanagan 361-728-4828 (tel:361-728-4828)

    .1/9/23 Monday 6pm Coastal Bend Republican Coalition (CBRC) CBRC HQ 14602 S Padre Island Drive, Ste 230, Corpus Christi. This week’s movie is Climate Hustle 2

    • 1/12/23 - CBRC is Going to Austin - To Promote our Legislative Priorities, especiially, "NO Democrat as Committee Chair" - Get your Bus Ticket 




    Blessings in Liberty!

    Suzanne Guggenheim

    Coastal Bend Republican Coalition Chair

    {Organization_Name} 14602 SPID - Suite 230- Corpus Christi, TX 78418 


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